View the list of all local dance instructors
President: Dave Littlefair
davidmlittlefair@gmail.com, 403-934-5966
Vice President: Patricia Mahoney
patriciamsm46@gmail.com, 403-288-0116
Past President: Lorne Smith
l.b.smith@shaw.ca, 403-251-5390
Secretary: Carole Cormier
maple.tree@shaw.ca, 403-281-4863
Mail: 168 Cedarille Green SW, Calgary, Alberta, T2W 2H4
Treasurer: Barrie McCombs
bmccombs@ucalgary.ca, 403-281-4863
Representative to Calgary & District Square & Round Dancers Association: Barrie McCombs
bmccombs@ucalgary.ca, 403-281-4863
Representative to Square & Round Dance Instructors of Alberta: Claudia Littlefair
claudia.littlefair@gmail.com, 403-934-5966
Representative to Alberta Square & Round Dance Federation: Patricia Mahoney
patriciamsm46@gmail.com, 403-288-0116